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Choosing the Right Commuter Saddle

Choosing the rightYour saddle is the main point of contact between you and your bike- and certainly the one you notice the most if it’s not working for you! Bike saddles are easy to change, inexpensive, and almost infinitely customizable, so if yours is holding you back from riding more, consider a change! Choosing the right size and padding level doesn’t have to be complicated, but it definitely goes beyond the ‘bigger is better’ expectation. This guide will teach you the basics of saddle sizing, so you can make a more informed decision about your next saddle purchase!


Not all bodies are created equal. The two factors to consider here are sit bone width and flexibility. Factors that DON’T affect saddle sizing: fitness level, rider weight, clothing size.

ISCHIAL TUBEROSITIESSit bone width: The width of your Ischial Tuberosities (sit bones) is the main determination of ideal saddle width. If you want to find out yours, head to your local bike shop and they can help you out (the test isn’t as invasive as you might think, promise!). Ischial Tuberosities are the bony protrusions at the bottom of your pelvis. Contrary to popular opinion, sit bone width doesn’t really have much of a bearing on hip-width, so even if you feel like you’d be a shoe-in for a Sir Mix-a-lot video, you can’t assume that a wide saddle is the one for you.

Flexibility: Maybe you do yoga every day and can fold yourself into a pretzel, but regardless of your flexibility level, you have to be comfortable on the bike. Your flexibility determines the riding position that will be the most comfortable for you, and this in turn will dictate your ideal saddle width. You can get professionally fitted to your bike, but without taking that step it’s still easy to determine your saddle needs.



Choose your ideal riding position on a three-point scale: aggressive, moderate, or upright.

stem position01

Upright- most comfortable

stem position03

Neutral- most stable and efficient

stem position02

Aggressive- fastest and most aerodynamic







The reason ride position is important to know is that your sit bones are angled, so the more upright you sit, the wider their effective width where they meet the saddle.

Once you figure out what your desired body position is, it’s a good idea to check that your bike actually is set up like this. By changing the handlebar, stem, or stem adaptors on your bike, you can easily change the ride height to be more or less aggressive.

With your bike set up the way you want it, check out the following saddles, and head to your local LTP Sports dealer to try them out! Remember that Serfas offers a 90 day comfort guarantee on their saddles, and most bike shops will be more than happy to help you set up the saddle for maximum comfort, and test it out before committing.


Serfas Performance RX saddle

Serfas Performance RX saddle

Serfas Performance RX saddle

Width: 152mm

LTP part number: 659661

MSRP: $64.99

Ideal Rider: Narrower sit bone width and an aggressive riding position.






Serfas Dual Density saddle

Serfas E-Gel Hybrid saddle

Serfas E-Gel Hybrid Saddle

Width: 171mm

LTP part number: 659678

MSRP: $47.99

Ideal Rider: Narrower sit bone width on an upright bike, or moderate sit bone width on a neutral bike






Serfas RX Cruiser Saddle

Serfas RX Cruiser Saddle

Serfas RX Cruiser Saddle

Width: 216mm

LTP part number: 659666-01

MSRP: $64.99

Ideal Rider: Moderate – wide sit bone width on a neutral or upright bike.




We hope you’ve found this saddle width guide helpful! By ensuring that the saddle on your bike is the correct width and shape, you can know that you’re set up for maximum comfort and safety while riding. For more tips and tricks, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.





Derek Kidd BioFooter